Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ready to cry?

Well, maybe not :)
But here is a video about Beth March, combining music from the musical and footage from the '94 movie version.


Kourtney Ann said...

Talk about a tearjercker :D

Mac said...

well I didn't cry this time, but I remember the first time I read that book I cried when Beth died....It was the first time I had ever cried over a book....

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

The women who sings this has an amazing voice!

It so sad..

Anonymous said...

I almost cried. I basically am crying...
Thank you, Debbie! I am glad that I watched makes me...thankful... and makes me want to be more....good. Does that make any sense at all?

Anonymous said...

P.S. I might be nuts, but I always thought that Marmme at about 1:4 and 1:7 on that video looked like Aunt Renee....:)

Lady Dvora said...

Merrill, you're a Jewel!