Monday, August 13, 2007

The first entry...

of the Chronicles of the Lady Dvora, begun this 13th day of August the year of our Lord two thousand and seven.
I hope they shall prove interesting to you as I tell the tales of my life. It seems a bit funny to begin the tales now, when most of the exciting things of the summer have already passed by, but I shall endeavor to entertain you with what happened to us in the past and what will happen in the future.

A bit about the Court: It gathers at the Hilltop Palace and consists of eleven members. They are as follows:
The Dairy King
The Lady Beautiful
Lady Joy
Lady Grace
Lady Hope
Lady Faith
Lady Dvora
Lady Patience
Lord Justice
Knight Judah
The Princess

Happy Reading!


Christi Argon said...

awesome entry. I am completely curious as to what you'll write next

Mac said...

Great! Only why does "you know who" only get to be a knight and not a Lord? I am looking forward to reading more!!! You may not hear from me much but I'm always lurkling :D

Lady Dvora said...

Um because that's what he calls himself :) Somebody else is a Princess, but now one seems to mind that

Anonymous said...


You didn't tell me you had a blog! I am really going to enjoy reading it! Looking good so far... :)


Rebecca said...


-the Lady Joy

Anonymous said...

I like it! So, I'm curious... what does "Dvora" mean?

Lady Dvora said...

Dvora is the Hebrew spelling of my name :)